"He has started speaking in maths terms"

5 min

Josefine has found a way to encourage her son’s interest in maths. Thanks to our popular maths app, Jack (5) can learn mathematical concepts and prepare for school.

“Jack is interested in numbers and he’s way ahead when it comes to maths. That’s why we wanted to find a way to encourage his interest and help him develop.”

Albert Junior is a digital maths service for children which aims to make maths funner and simpler to learn. The service is quality-assured, educational and entirely free from ads.

“The worst thing for parents with young kids is apps that contain a whole lot of ads. It’s very distracting when they pop up and your kid accidentally clicks on them.”

Better chances to succeed

Ever since Jack began using Albert Junior, his parents have noticed a huge different in their son’s maths abilities. In fact, he has even started using mathematical terms in everyday situations.

“Jack speaks a lot in maths terms now and it all started with Albert. He uses maths in lots of everyday situations, like when we’re picking out sweets at the pick ‘n’ mix. He might say: ‘if baby brother has two sweeties and I have two, then together we have four.’”

Like many other parents, Josefine thinks it feels positive to be giving her child a good foundation and a head start before school begins.

“It’s so tough for kids nowadays, expectations are placed on them from the moment they begin P1. I think it’s really great if they can have the chance to prepare a bit for that, so that the transition from nursery to primary school is a bit smoother.”

Playful learning

Albert Junior is suitable for all children from ages three to nine. The service is designed like a game with interactive exercises and rewards which spark curiosity and boost motivation.

“For Jack, it doesn’t feel like sitting down to study maths, the fact he’s learning is just an added bonus while he plays and has fun.”

Josefine’s tip for other parents is to make maths into a game. This gives them a natural entry point and creates a positive connection to the subject.

Get started today!