Study during the summer - why then?

3 min

The long-awaited summer holiday is almost here, and it's time for children to do what they do best – play and have fun! Despite lazier summer days, we don't want the knowledge that children have gained during school term to disappear. Take part in our tips on how to keep learning fun and engaging for your children even during the summer holiday!

Now, several weeks of hopefully sunny days and few obligations await. However nice it may be to have a break from school, knowledge is a precious asset that we need to maintain so it doesn't disappear. Research has shown that students can forget a whole month of maths lessons during a long summer holiday*. Incorporating learning into everyday activities or playing educational games are effective methods to maintain knowledge during the summer break. Enjoy your summer and prepare for the next school year by doing some of the following activities: 

  • A few occasions per week are enough: keep school knowledge alive by playing Albert for 10-15 minutes a few times a week.

  • Physical activity can boost learning! Did you know that concentration is elevated for about 30 minutes after physical activity? Take the opportunity to unwind and learn with Albert after play time.

  • Weave learning into everyday situations: for example, cooking or baking with different measuring units is a fun and practical way to reinforce maths skills.

  • Get inspiration from the app's exercises and games! Look for English words in the grocery store in Bikko City, or count seashells on the beach like Addi and Matchi.

  • Reverse roles! Let your child be the teacher and give you tasks, instructions and praise. Perhaps you also need to freshen up your times table?

Now you can have fun during the summer vacation, but also feel prepared and confident to tackle new challenges when it's time to go back to school. Let's have a fun and educational summer!

*Roscigno, V. J. och Ainsworth, J. W. (1992) 'Race, cultural capital, and educational resources: Persistent inequalities and achievement returns', Review of Educational Research, 62(1), s. 1-21. 

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